Past Artists of the Month
Bruce Munro - Light Artist
British artist Bruce Munro is best known for immersive large-scale light-based installations
His work is beautiful and awe inspiring…especially at night.
Matt W. Moore
Matt W Moore is one of the busiest artists in the world. Whether he’s painting a monumental mural or designing a logo, his style is unique.
Charley Harper
Charley Harper was a much beloved Ohio artist who specialized in crisp, graphic depictions of the natural world. His work is highly influential in the field of graphic design.
Charley Palmer
Charley Palmer is a highly successful African American painter. His work is beautiful, but it also strives to create a conversation on how we can become a better society. Amazing!
Yayoi Kusama
Yayoi Kusama is a Japanese artist who is sometimes called ‘the princess of polka dots'. Although she makes lots of different types of art – paintings, sculptures, performances and installations – they have one thing in common, DOTS!
Vija Celmins
Vija Celmins is a Latvian/American artist famous for her photorealist drawings and paintings. Her masterful artworks defy belief that they are created with a pencil or brush. Timeless and beautiful.
David Roberts
David Roberts was a Scottish nineteenth century painter who specialized in painting scenes of ancient Egyptian ruins. Many of the statues and temples he painted were still partially buried beneath the desert sand. This adds a real sense of mystery and awe to his work.
Oscar Droege
Oscar Droege was born in Germany in 1883. During his life he travelled around Europe by bicycle and sailing boat. He was an active artist from the early 20th century. Well known for his insanely detailed woodcuts, I find that Droege’s images combine the best aspects of both graphic design and fine art
Norval Morrisseau
Also known as Copper Thunderbird, Norval Morrisseau was an Indigenous Canadian artist from the Anishinaabek First Nation. Known as the "Picasso of the North", Morrisseau created works depicting the legends of his people. His style is characterized by thick black outlines and bright colors.