4th Grade

Weekly Lessons

Hi fourth graders!

Welcome to art class week of October 18th! Please scroll down to see your art lesson.

Please remember to fill out the exit ticket on the bottom of this page or you will be marked absent.

Paper Pyramid Lesson

This week you will be learning about ancient Egypt and its famous pyramids. You will then cut out a paper pyramid, decorate it and construct a background environment.


  • Paper

  • sharpie

  • scissors

  • Glue

  • Markers, crayons, colored pencils

Ancient Egypt in 6 minutes.

This is a great National Geographic video to quickly understand Egypt’s amazing history.


What do you know about pyramids?

Step by Step

Egyptian Hieroglyphics and Symbols

David Roberts was a Scottish nineteenth century painter who specialized in painting scenes of ancient Egyptian ruins. Many of the statues and temples he painted were still partially buried beneath the desert sand. This adds a real sense of mystery and awe to his work. Click on the picture to see more!