1st Grade

Weekly Lessons

Hi first graders!

Welcome to art class week of October 17th! Please scroll down to see your art lesson.

Please remember to fill out the exit ticket on the bottom of this page or you will be marked absent.


Lego Figure Self Portraits

Today you will explore the world of lego figures. Can you make a lego figure that looks like you? You can be happy, surprised, sad or mad. Look at the examples below for ideas. Have fun!


-White paper

-Black or dark marker ( permanent marker is best)

-Watercolor paint OR crayons/markers

How to draw a lego figure.

It’s not hard to try drawing your own lego self portrait! Try looking at this video first. Remember you can stop the video at any time to give yourself a chance to catch up. Remember to add your own face, hair and any clothes and background that describes who YOU are!


Think of lego heads as emojis.

With just a little change in the shape of a mouth or eyebrow you can change your lego figure’s expression. Here is a sheet of just a few ideas. Then look below for some great examples. Pick an expression that shows how you feel today!

Student Examples!