3rd Grade

Weekly Lessons

Hi third graders!

Welcome to art class week of May 24th! Please scroll down to see your art lesson.

Please remember to fill out the exit ticket on the bottom of this page or you will be marked absent.

Hokusai Great Wave Project

This week you will learn about famous Japanese artist Katsushika Hokusai and the Japanese art of woodcut printing. You will then create a landscape inspired by Hokusai’s great wave painting..


  • White paper or construction paper

  • Pencil and eraser

  • Sharpie or dark marker

  • Crayon, markers or colored pencils

who was Katsushika Hokusai?

More Japanese woodcut prints

"The Great Wave: A Children's Book Inspired by Hokusai" Written by Veronique Massenot and Illustrated by Bruno Pilorget.


Tsunami 101

What they are and how to avoid them!


Step by Step